About Us...

We're just two big city kids who moved to the country 28 years ago. We quickly became fond of old things. Call us sentimental, call us old souls, whichever you choose, we love vintage junk.
In 2011, I left my city job of 22 years behind, in search of junk. Being a Graphic Designer by trade comes in handy A LOT in this business. It helps to have an eye when it comes to rescuing and merchandising junk.
Our Junkin' adventures include all of our rescued, furry friends. If you follow us on Facebook and Instagram, you already know the gang.
We have two Junk Shows on our acreage each year and take part in other Junk Shows in the Midwest throughout the year. Check our Events Tab for details.
We are excited to announce that our HomeGrown Junk Headquarters is finished! It's a little building on our acreage that showcases how to decorate with vintage goods. You can even pickup one of our candles or some vintage for yourself. You are welcome to schedule an appointment and come for a visit. It will be open during our sales, also.
If you need anything Junk related don't hesitate to give us a shout!
We hope you will follow us along for the ride. It's gonna be a dusty one but well worth it!
Long LIVE Junk!
-Shannon, Brian & our four legged crew

Me & My Junk Hunk, Brian



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